Originally Posted by adysav
Would you believe the bloke that invented the lobotomy got a Nobel prize for his efforts. Oddly enough people still have brain surgery for psychiatric conditions.
From the guidelines the APA seem to run a reasonable operation as regards child custody, and not one mention of lobotomy
I suppose you want me to concede that a child custody specialist can't possibly be an expert because 60 years ago someone in a related profession decided lobotomies were a good idea.
This is all irrelevant. Being psychopathic in any way merely means that you have varied signficiantly from what is considered normal. Psychology is a social science that is based primarily on social norms and functioning within the context of society, rather than a science of the innate nature of humanity. Psychology is helpful for many reasons, but it is so contextualized. Psychology can tell you how human behavior and affect can be changed, let us know what "normal" is and isn't, and some of the chemical reactions that occur that can be altered with drugs.
For all the psychology is, I don't think that in this instance it is indicative of what you're saying that it is indicative of.