Originally Posted by Meridae'n
Fuck them. I may very well be jumping to conclusions but these people are gone. I find it only unfortunate that if convicted these people will not be put in general population. We don't put pedophiles in with the normal cons, more's the pity...
Your attitude is very prevalent when this topic comes up. I really wonder why ppl like yourself don't petition or lobby for the death penalty for convicted molesters. If you put them in GP that's what would happen, tho I don't understand why felons in prison think they have any standard of judgement against other criminals. The fact that the death penalty isn't ascribed for these crimes means society is willing punish those who are convicted but they are giving them a chance to reform and be released.
I wholeheartedly agree those who are convicted of molestation/rape should be punished as harshly as the law allows, but if the law doesn't have the death penalty, then these criminals shouldn't be put to death. It's not the job of "bubba" or "Spike The Killer" to kill ppl in prison or fuck them up the ass till they bleed. It's the job of the state to remove this person from life if the law has determined that punishment fits the crime. This is to protect the possibly "innocent man" that rarely gets a bad rap and to attempt to give the guilty offender a chance to refrain from his activity and reform him/herself.
What you are advocating is strikingly similar to lynchings of black ppl in the old days. Regular ppl today wouldn't think a black man had to removed from life for screwing a white woman, but back then he'd be hung from the highest tree for it. Black ppl didn't get a trial 9 out of 10 times; it was strictly vigilante and mob morality. If you don't think the law is hard enough on molesters/ rapists then get up and lobby to get the laws changed. I'm sure you could get quite a few signatures if you tried hard and long enough.
None of us really know anything about the cases of the arrested individuals. I'm sure a good many of them will be found guilty of their crimes. But they shouldn't be put to death just because they did something morally reprehensible. Shit, even Saddham Hussein is getting a trial. So why can't a guy with some horrible images who most likely never actually molested anyone get a trial and fair but harsh punishment if a murdering dictator and oppressor of an entire country can get one?