Originally Posted by Paq
I think the moderator did a decent job, but ace...i don't know if we were watching the same debate...seriously...doesn't it scare you that bush did look dumbfounded???
Don't you think it's scary that bush couldn't explain it in that one way that doesn't take 45 minutes...
Don't you find it scary that you find it so clear when soooo many people don't...and you expect those peopel to understand it from a man who looks sooo dumbfounded?
Hell, that scares me....
We are at war with terrorists who will kill innocent people randomly to promote their ideology. They want the world converted to their ideology. They want to control through fear and intimidation. They can not be negotiated with. We have been under attack for over a decade. We have tried reolutions, they have failed. We have tried getting France, Germany and Russia directly involved, they won't. The central battle ground is in Iraq. (For the US it is better to fight the war in Iraq than here) We know and the terrorist know the central battle ground is Iraq. If Iraq becomes a free nation, the foundation is laid to end Islamic terrorism. The overwhelming majority of Iraqi people and Islamic people want to be free of terrorism, fear and intimidation.
Kerry doesn't get it. I am as dumbfounded as the President. Why doesn't Kerry get it? Or, does he get it, but is willing to do and say anything to get elected?
Do you get it? The terrorists wanted to kill you and me before Bush and if we don't handle this now they will want to kill you, me and our grand-children long after Bush is out of office. Unless you are willing to conform to their views of the world.