Car headlight question
I'm new to American traffic and car regulations and all that, not to mention the 'automotive dictionary', so if I'm not making sense, I apologize.
Basically, our car (Nissan Maxima '96) has rather poor headlights. Visibility at night leaves a lot to be desired. Back in Europe I used to replace my car's (not a Maxima) headlights with halogen lights, as bright as was allowed. I'd like to do the same for this Maxima, here in the States. I live in Texas. If I want the all-time brightest lights for this little car, what sort of lightbulbs should and can I go for? I've looked at some web sites for examples, but I'm not really car savvy enough to know what kind to go with. Some say "High Output", others don't. Some say High Wattage, some Standard Wattage. ANY advice at all would be really welcome.
Also, in Finland (where I am originally from) they are very picky about how the headlights are "aligned". I assume it's the same way here. In order to make sure they're aligned correctly once I put in the new bulbs, should I have them checked out at a shop, and if so how much do they generally charge for something like that?
I just want the road visibility to be as good as possible, because I drive a lot at night due to work, and my eyes aren't really that good when it comes to the dark.
Thank you.
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