"I love this game." - Michael Jordan
Throughout the first fifteen years of my life, I was never into sports. I collected basketball cards in kindergarten, but I traded away my only Michael Jordan card for four scrubs; no, I didn't even know who Michael Jordan was. In Junior High, I collected Albert Belle cards just because I could hit the most home runs with him in this home run derby game for Sega Saturn (it was actually a demo that came with the system). I didn't (and still don't) know what the stats on the back of his cards meant. Pretty much, from the Christmas that I was given a Nintendo all the way up until 10th grade, the only things on my mind were Super Mario, Final Fantasy, how much ECW was waay better than the WWF and WCW, and why I couldn't get a girlfriend.
A new buddy of mine one day said, "Hey, let's go to the park and play some basketball." I said, "I suck at it, but sure why not." Sure enough, I DID suck, but after playing my first 5-hour session, I was hooked. After that day, I made it a ritual to play basketball before school, during the lunch and nutrition breaks during school, and then until 10 PM after school, EVERY DAY. I went from a guy who was told to "just stay on the inside and grab rebounds; DON'T shoot the ball!" to a guy who can "shoot the lights out" (or so that same friend I mentioned earlier likes to say), and could do a mid-air switch-from-right-to-left-hand layup "Michael Jordan-style!" (or so my other friend likes to say).
I still suck, but only by my own standards. I've played people who compare me to Michael Jordan (those I assume don't play very often), and I've played with people who compare me to Greg Ostertag
. The thing is this: My standards for the level I should play change every time I get on the court. I learn something new each game. Basketball is never the same for me. Plus, it acts as an escape from a depressing reality. When I play, NOTHING else is on my mind except the game I am in. NO thoughts of love lost, debts, or other stressful aspects of life crosses my mind when I'm on a basketball court.
I'm now 20 years old, and although I don't play in the NBA (my new unattainable dream), "I love this game."
Current goal: Boost my inside game. The game of basketball consists of more than just "shooting the lights out."
Semi-realistic dream: To play European or Aussie basketball.