Given the circumstances Lehrer did a good job.
The problem was in the rules. He would ask a tough question and often get b.s. answers and was not able to challenge the b.s. adequately.
We need debates where b.s. can be challenged.
When Kerry says: "I can do it better"
Q: What does that mean? What would you do better?
A: "I would build a real coalition".
Q: How?
A: "I would provide real leadership."
Q: What the f**** does that mean?
A: "Duuuuuuuuuh? I can do it better, I can build a coalition, I can provide real leadership.
Q: Mr Kerry you are a master at b.s. aren't you.
A: You are attacking me, how dare you call me unpatriotic. I served in Vietnam, I faced real combat, I am married to Teeerrrrassssaaaa.