My girl and I went out to the horse races last night. We drank alot of beer and bet alot of money! Anyways, she got the hiccups, I guess from drinking too much, I don't know. Everybody around us was trying to give us tips on how to get rid of them. Of course, none of them worked. The hiccups continued for about an hour, so we left. Once in the car, she told me of the one sure fire way to get rid of them.....suck a guy's dick! I didn't totally believe her, I needed proof.
She starts sucking my dick and BAM her hiccups are gone!!!!
I don't know how this works, but she said it's always worked for her. I just wanted to let ya'll know this to see if anyone else has tried it or needs to help out their mate with getting rid of the annoying hiccups.
Fellas, be kind to your women and offer up your dick to her to soothe her pain!!!