There probably should have been something about Senator Kerry's record, either recent or in the past twenty yeras of Senate service. He is on the intelligence committee, and he was in the Senate the last time we went into Iraq. It makes sense to focus on recent events and the most pressing issues of the day, but I think there must have been time for one question on that front. I count six variants on, "Was Iraq a good idea or a mistake?"
It was nice that a quarter of the debate addressed the rest of the world. Granted, they still tied everything back to their talking points about Iraq and the war on terror, but we at least had questions on North Korea, Iran, Sudan, and Russia.
I also like that Jim Lehrer more or less tossed out the rule that he got no follow up questions. Perhaps he had all of those written down ahead of time or just fiddled with the order, but it certainly felt like he was asking for elaboration on an answer given, even if it was not "No really, I want specifics on that one. Try again."