My first reaction to this thread was about the people who have committed suicide before being brought to trial. I was going to say that I'm fine with them committing suicide. It proves they're guilty, it means we don't have to worry about spending money, time, effort, on bringing them to trial, convicting them, etc. By offing themselves they just make the rest of society's job easier.
But I read gcbrowni's post and I was racing to judgement. I've heard more than a couple of people say in the past that false claims of rape are actually worse than rape itself (that is, someone who lies and says they were raped are worse people than rapists themselves). Now, I don't know if I agree with that or not, but I was wondering about the people who committed suicide. I don't think their suicide is proof that they are guilty of dealing with child pornography (I'm not claiming anybody here has said they are, though). I do agree with the 'Innocent until proven guilty' thought. Allegations of pedophilia stick with you for the rest of your life. Even if a court proves you innocent, I think society ignores it and the allegations remain. I really hope that those who committed suicide over this were really guilty. If they were indeed innocent, but did it because they thought/knew that society would never listen to an innocent verdict, then I feel terribly sorry for them.