Originally Posted by CaneBay
She's manipulating you. The "old friend" thing is a ruse. SHe might not even see it yet, but the entire situation sounds like corruption to me, or at least it is if the both of you have committed to a monogamous relationship.
I agree.
I have a male friend who may be visiting me in the spring, but I wouldn't want to jump on a plane to go see him anytime in the next year unless my husband came with me. That just smells a little fishy to me. Maybe you guys are young or something, but since you have a kid, it just sounds like your relationship is too important to be bringing a third party, on her side, of the opposite sex, into the mix. Especially if it would be a private trip made without you there too. No way would my husband ever do anything like that to me, and vise-versa. I hope I don't sound too strict or harsh. I guess it’s just something I’m passionate about. I wouldn’t want to even put myself in the possible position to have something “uncomfortable” happen, but that's just us.
I feel the need to add that if she’s turning this around into a “You don’t trust me” ordeal, then that would send the warning flags full mast for me. That type of defensiveness and lack of compassion is something I don’t have to ever deal with in the relationship I’m in, and am damn grateful for that.