Well I guess I'm a 'righty' relative to the mean on the TFProject but I don't have a conservative stance on the Iraq issue. I tend to be more fiscally conservative on domestic issues, yet socially liberal. Odd, yes, I know.
I agree that we need to pull out of Iraq and stay out of the rest of the world's business. I've been living in Croatia for a month now and I had no idea what animosity Europeans feel for us, even in countries we don't political tension with. Many people I've talked to here compare GW to Adolf Hitler! They think the war is all about money and oil. I can't even discuss politics here anymore.
I wish we would cut foreign aid and pull our troops out of foreign countries. Actually, I agree with all the points 'The Dunedan' made in the first reply on this thread. We need to stop worrying about international events so much and concentrate more on domestic policies. Our government hasn't really done much domestically since we invaded Iraq, although the economy has recovered.
I share in the disappointment you all feel with the Iraq situation. I don't feel like I have a good option in the election this fall, although I will vote for Bush because Kerry scares me on domestic issues. I don't think either candidate will attempt to enact any of the measures we have discussed on this thread, which is too bad. I am just frustrated in Europe right now.