This reminds me of the Treehouse of Terror episode of the Simpsons in which the Republican and Democratic canticdates are both hostile (hilareous) aliens. Upon asking the aliens how they will succede if the third party wins, they reply, "Go ahead! Throw your vote away!" This always struck me as a good satire of the general view of third parties. If you believe that neither the Republican nor the Democratic representatives are worthy of your vote, it's okay to vote for a member of another party. For whatever reason (probably because of the D and the R parties slander), voting third party is almost a politicasl taboo. It's silly to see that Nader, a good leader and just as qualified as Bush or Kerry, is more of a joke to the average voter than a presidential cantidate.
A vote independant is just another vote. It doesn't take away from anything. The longer people think there are only 2 serious partys, the longer we may have to be letting the lesser of two evils lead us.