Originally Posted by Rekna
Bipartisan support when it was passed is very iffy. It was passed in haste after a major disastor. This was during a time where anyone who questioned the president even slightly was considered unpatriotic and would have been roasted alive. It is sad that such a thing could happen. Hopefully people never let something like this happen again.
So it wasn't bipartisan support since the Dems were somehow alleviated of their responsibility to read, understand, and challenge if necessary the legislation put before them for a vote by the fact that there was a major disaster preceding it? If anything that's a reason to vote every one of the legislators (Democrats and Republicans) out of office who supported it and then, when they got around to reading the details, decided it was a "bad" law. We need our Representatives to be ready to stand up and be effective in the days, weeks, and months after a disaster. We do not need excuses later on about how they couldn't really come out against it because the atmosphere was tough. That's not leadership. That's protecting their chances for re-election at the expense of the country and it's unacceptable.