Originally Posted by cthulu23
I never said that in any way shape or form, but feel free to ridicule me for it anyway. I am entitled to my opinion, however. Somehow I doubt that you, yourself, always reserve judgement on laws until the judiciary becomes involved and "transubstantiates" a good law into a bad one. I brought up "seperate but equal" as an example of bad judicial calls...were those who opposed the policy incorrect to question the validity of it simply because it had been upheld by a judge? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you here...
I absolutely do withold judgement on the legality of the laws. I am not a legal scholar and even legal scholars can not predict, in every case, how the Supreme Court will rule.
If you are offering only an opiniong of bad or good without any basis on the legality then I absolutely agree that you have every right to do so. That is not the case of the most vocal opponents of the Patriot Act. They have continually ridiculed the President (despite the bipartisan support pointed out in this thread) for trampling the Constitution and the like.