I give every year. Yeah I paid for my years there (and for many years after I was there, too!) I don't think I "owe" them anything. But I know that it takes money to pay for financial aid. I know it takes money to run the school. I know that if they folded all of that into the tuition and fees, no one could afford to go to school there. I also know that the percentage of alumni giving is extremely important to other fundraising efforts (percentage giving > $.01, not the total size of the gift.) There are also some tax benefits to me for giving (pure altruism, yes?)
I have a generally positive feeling about my school and I believe it ultimately benefits me if they prosper. A positive reputation for my school makes my degree more valuable (more altruism.) If I wasn't happy with my years there or with what the school represented I am sure I would feel differently about giving.