Originally Posted by Strange Famous
end of the day, despite all this eastern mystic stuff.. the best way to strike someone.. the most efficient transfer of power... is a right cross.
If you wanna learn to fight, study western boxing, a bit of wrestling, a bit of kick boxing...
I have a guaranteed fighting style though, I invented myself.
You in some sbit... hurl your car keys right in the dudes face, he will either duck, weave, or get hit.... as yiou throw them jump forward and hook HARD to the body with the opposite hand... knee into the ribs on the opposite side, bring the other arm right up and bring your elbow cracking down on the back of his head, when he goes down kick him a few times ifyou want...
now, thats a martial art!
How to differentiate a smart, quick-thinking criminal from a slow one:slow one goes down; smart, quick one steals your car after you throw your keys at him