How much do you want to bet that the "undecideds" aer still undecided today? Notice how many people in all polls said it was a tie.
IMO, it was a tie. Bush was very consistent and Kerry gave the perception of switching positions even in the debate.
"Help is on the way" Umm, except for the $87 billion to fund the war.
"We need to build coalitions." Umm, except when we're dealing with North Korea then we should do it on our own.
"Iraq was not a threat" Umm, yeah I agree with my opponent, I wasn't misleading when I said Iraq was a threat because it was.
Bush did stumble a fair amount but in almost every instance he made important points right as his time ran out.
The biggest win last night was probably Kerry getting his core group of voters reinvigorated. In the overall race I don't think that means much since that only puts him on similar footing to Bush since his base is already energized.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.