A vote for a third party candidate is only a vote for Bush if it denies a vote from Kerry. So if you'd otherwise vote for Kerry, consider whether it is worth contributing to the reelection of George W to make a statement. If, on the other hand, you'd never vote for Kerry and the choice is between a third party candidate and staying home, by all means vote for the third party candidate.
People underestimate the impact voting for a third party candidate. Even if they don't win, a strong showing b a third party candidate can have a major impact on policy. Ross Perot, afterall, didn't win a single electoral vote, but his canidacy made balancing the budget the major issue of the Clinton Presidency.
On the other hand, the idea that there is no difference between the major parties is a load of crap, in my humble opinion. Need proof? Look at the war in Iraq. Whether you think it was right or wrong, I think we can all agree that it would have never happened under Al Gore.
And, as Mr. Self Destruct points out, it works both ways. A vote for the libertarian candidate is a vote for Kerry if you would otherwise support Bush.
Last edited by iccky; 10-01-2004 at 04:49 AM..
Reason: added last paragraph