My philosophy contains a lot of points that I will not spend the time getting into. The main deal is going after the reason WHY we got attacked in the first place: we butt our heads in affairs where we are not wanted. Radical islamic factions dont "hate us for our freedom" and they aren't maniacal killers. They are a different culture with different social values. Attacking them is only kicking the beehive.
Show their culture the respect it deserves (regardless of if it's values are different) and I guarantee you that they will not attack us.
There are only 2 reasons to attack the US: 1) You want to take over or 2) we are a direct threat to your culture. They didn't just attack us on 9/11 because they felt like it. They attacked us because we were doing in other countries what we are currently trying to do in Iraq.
I want to say that I don't expect many conservatives to agree with this point of view primarily because they've had 3 years of acceptable patriotism molding their tough, resolute minds. That's too bad, though, because my reasoning is all too logical to me.
I would like a response.