Originally Posted by Lebell
Here are some thoughts, although I really don't fall to the political right or left.
1) Get armed pilots on our airplanes.
2) Identify moderate Islamic organizations and aid them, so as to address the root cause for some of the hatred; poverty and hopelessness.
3) Take the leash off Israel. Let them invade Syria, bomb Iranian nuclear facilites, finish the wall, whatever. The faster they can unilaterally withdraw from the Palestinians areas, the better off they will be.
4) Double or Triple the number of troops in Iraq, and wage total war on those areas that won't surrender. Then get elections going.
This will turn into Vietnam if we keep going on half assed.
5) Racial profiling of immigrants/visa applicants/airplane travelers.
Sorry, but the demographics make it clear. Most terrorists are not little old ladies from Cleveland, but males of middle eastern origin, between 18 and 40.
6) Get out of the UN and kick them out of NYC. They have become another League of Nations.
Maybe you're not aware of this - but pretty much ALL of those points are far, FAR to the right.
Maybe you're left on abortion or privacy, but in the confines of this topic, you are clearly nothing but rightwing.
Just a heads up for you.