Ever pulled a chest muscle before?
I've never thought such simple things as yawning, clearing my throat, coughing, burping, laughing, lying on my side, or bending over to put my socks on could be taken for granted. But once you pull a chest muscle, every one of those actions is put in sharp relief. The thing about pain is that it also makes you sieze up a little, making every one of those actions a one-two punch as you feel the pain, flinch from the pain, then flinch from the pain of flinching.
Doubling the fun is that I can't really fall asleep on my back, but this injury won't let me lay on my side. Every time I do, it feels like the sore spot is about to knot up into a charlie horse. So I dozed on my back until morning, got up gingerly, and noticed my back hurt as well. As if that isn't enough, every step I take telegraphs vibration up my body, and this sore spot is right in the path of that.
I think the moral of the story is that it's easy to take a fully functioning body for granted.
Who else has been in this boat before?