So last night this girl Nichole came over. She wanted to "snuggle" because she was lonely. Well, as it too often does, the "snuggling" led on to other things. The best part of the night, though, was when she reached for my dick the first time. I was erect...
she says "Oh my god, how big are you?"
I just laid there, smiled, maybe blushed a little.
She says "Seriously, you're huge... you've got to be almost 10 inches..." Now obviously a 10 inch dick is huge.
I calmly replied "I don't know, never really checked..." A straight up lie. It's a little over 7 inches....
Her "no way, if I was you I'd have measured a million times... It's big and...(pause)"
Me- "girth, that's what you're looking for..."
Her "ya." And then we kissed.
Anyways, we proceeded to have great sex twice that night. I was just soooo excited when she said "you're really big" that I had to share. It made me feel soooo good inside.
Has anyone else ever had this happen? (Now lets be honest
