I'm gonna agree with tarvuz in that America is a weak example of a good family life. With our overfondness of television, video games and such we don't tend to form the strong family bonds that many other countries do. I'm not trying to say that beating one's spouse (women beat men too sometimes though you don't hear about it nearly as much) is right, but we're not a people to be forcing our opinions on what is right or not on others. I know I wouldn't beat my wife. I don't think beating one's spouse is right. America, for the most part, has laws against it, so doing so is against the law. There may be places where it's legal, I don't claim to be knowledgible of other countries' laws. If it's legal somewhere, so be it. That's their way of doing things. I still don't condone it, but it's not my place, as one person in the billions on the planet, to tell others what to think or do.
Thockmorton knew if he were ever to break wind in the echo chamber, he would never hear the end of it.