It might likely take a lot of airflow to keep the whistle blowing, but the inlet air pressure to the whistle can be pretty low, I bet less than a couple psi. So store the air in a small tank at elevated pressure and regulate the outlet from the tank just enough to keep the whistle blowing. I bet it would whistle quite a bit longer than 10sec even if you use a small air tank like 5gal, but one that can withstand say 100psig; use the compressor at your local gas station to pump it up to 100psig or so, safely within the tank rating. Such tanks are usually made as portable tire filler setups.
The volume of air stored at 100psig (= gauge pressure = 114.7psia absolute pressure) is "multiplied" 7.8 times if released at atmospheric pressure (14.7psia) since 114.7/14.7 = 7.8 this ignores thermodynamic effects, but those will not be significant for your application. In any case, you will have a 39 gal volume of air at atmospheric pressure to blow thru your whistle (5 X 7.8).