Originally Posted by God of Thunder
Can't wait to own it. I've never seen it in its entirety.
The memories are flooding back now. More great scenes include:
* The horrible mistake of allowing road manager Mal Evans to play the "hammer" on "Maxwell's Silver Hammer," in which he NEVER gets it right. All he has to do is play CLANG CLANG, by God, and he screws it up every damn time. It's hilarious.
* Jamming with keyboardist Billy Preston. Whenever the Beatles had a guest artist sitting in with them in the studio, they were on their happiest, best behavior, and the sessions with Billy Preston are phenomenal.
* "Long and Winding Road." Prior to the release of "Anthology" and "Let It Be...Naked," this was the ONLY place to hear the raw, unmixed version of this beautiful song.
* Overhead ceiling shots of John and Paul jamming while seated.
* Paul's impromptu Elvis-style version of "Two of Us."