Originally Posted by DJ Happy
Personally, I'm amazed that a 19 year old kid is lecturing us all on how bad we are at being parents. How many children do you have? What's that, none? So you speak from what, personal experience or from absolutely no kind of perspective whatsoever?
So after reading your little diatribe, what advice do you have for parents? It seems to me that your suggestion is to just give kids whatever they want because if you don't they'll just steal it anyway which will make them even worse people than they already are. Please tell me I'm wrong.
You might be a waste of space and if you want to blame your own parents for that, go right ahead. How you can blame others for your failings though is beyond me.
Even though he is my boyfriend, and I did go along with his rant with a 'yeah okay'...
You're right. You can't assume you know how parents are until you are a parent. And until you become the perfect parents, you can't tell others they suck.
Having said that, Kevin, my dear, let us make wild love and have several babies. (Oh wait, that's right, we can't, according to you. Hahaha.)