Originally Posted by edwhit
I heard a brief mention on the radio late one night that our sun is actually heating up. That is, a few degrees over the last hundred years. The opinion of the man speaking was that this is having more of an impact on global warming then the media likes to address.
He then started mentioning his theories as to why it is a big cover up (big money programs spent on anti pollution and ozone layer protection programs etc.)
Has anyone heard much on this? I'm not trying to assert that we ignore pollution levels or what have you, but it would seem to my laymen's mind that a warmer sun would make a warmer earth.
Yes, yes I have.
Climate change is happening, it happens all the time, it continues. The earths climate is not static. I'll see if I can dig up the old thread. I've had this debate MANY times over the years and one of these days I'll remember to just save it to my HD so I can repost without starting from scratch