The problem is this: Most "scientists" believe it's real. Most Climatologists, however, do not. IOW, a Geologist's opinion doesn't mean squat. There was a protocol recently signed in Geneva ( I think it was ) by over 100 of the worlds' leading Climatologists in which they denounced the currently-held theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming, basing their assertions upon the Vostok Ice Cores from Antarctica, which showed ( among other things ) that we are still -below- the 100,000-year average temperature. Technically speaking, we've just barely gotten out of the Little Ice Age, and are approaching the beginning of the Medieval Warming Period ( termp-wise, that is ).
These things are happening slightly ahead of schedual. However, they're hardly the end of the world. Among other things, the Medieval Warming Period allowed for a longer growing season, milder weather, and the population increase that spurred exploration into the New World. Now, that same population increase also allowed for the Black Death: however, this was due to unsanitary living conditions and a lack of understanding about how the disease spread, both of which are much more controllable today.