As I recall, these tight ass rules (or similar rules and formats) were used at least last time as well. This is not new to this election year.
I believe it is an attempt to keep order, keep on schedule, as well as make it real comfy for the candidates. Yea, I long for a real debate as well. And I agree, Danny and Sean would be awesome!!
I beleive Kerry really does need to score big on the debates in order to convince the people on the fence. I don't think he has the wrong answers all the time...I think he needs to learn to use more brevity. People hear what is initially stated and often times he is either interrupted before he can continue his explanation or at the very least is able to be misquoted easily because of it. This causes him to appear befuddled and appear flip floppish. He gets very frustrated when he is accused of being indirect and not stating how he feels on certain issues and yet he brings much of it on himself.
Interesting enough, Bush has the opposite problem as I see it. Bush appears, to me at least, to attempt to always have that brief quotable statement EVERY TIME HE TALKS to the media. It seems to me that he wants to come across as Reagan often did. Reagan was VERY gifted at public speaking and at disarming his opponent with humor and brief comments, however, he was not afraid to elaborate when needed. Bush needs to cut the cheese and EXPAND on his statements. (Yes, I hear all the Bush is too dumb to do this or that jokes and comments. That's nice but rather tired)