host, I appreciate your response and will certainly take your words and the quotes and sources provided into consideration.
I have always tried to take anything I hear with a grain of salt and you will understand if I continue to do so even with what you have stated.
I am not happy with much of what Bush has done and much of what he intends to do. I have not been against a "regime change" but I don't want to blindly accept the next guy running as the answer on blind faith alone. Out of the pan and into the fire and all that.
I am well aware that Karl Rove and company are distorting the truth when convenient in order to have an effective attack against Kerry. I tend to not be very trusting of many politicians and even less trusting during election time. Kerry, of course, has not been free from distorting the truth and exaggerating the truth. But that is to be expected.
It is easy to see reasons to not want bush in office 4 more years. The bigger challenge for me has been to find reasons to want Kerry in office for the next 4. Cutting through the election year BS to find the truth. Yes, he promises great things. But what candidate in the history of politics has not?
Your essay (

) is very insighful and will provide more food for thought as well as more directions to continue searching. It's nice to see thought out reasons to vote for Kerry as opposed to merely voting against Bush.