i dont know if anyone will see my post way down here but when i was iono 13-15 i made a game of this, doing it wherever just to say i had. So I have many good ones:
Jr High Urinal
Alley on the way home (twice)
Dumpster behind texico
Airplane bathroom (seems like 2 or 3 times (like every time i fly))
freind's mom's living room when they were all sleeping or outside
in the car
In the back seat of the car at drivers ed (i didnt finish, that would be to obvious)
on the trampoline in the backyard
my living room
Highschool bathrooms
College bathrooms
Wardrobe room at the college (left a stain on the carpet)
biology lab (In highschool after hours I ganked it and put it under a microscope THEY REALLY SWIM!!!)
Freinds bathrooms
in class (when i was younger i could make myself come by just pushing on it for a long time)
In a portopotty a few times
Once in highschool I was taking a dump and the cheerleaders were painting signs outside the door and they all came into they guys bathroom to wash their hands so I did it while they were there
Actually I have always had a habit of doing weird things just so i could say "i did that".
Once I put my jizz in the microwave..... this girl im my chemistry class thought that was hilarious
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