Thread: Lost
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Old 09-29-2004, 07:49 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Location: West Michigan
Averett: I'm right there with ya! Like I said before, I think this is one of the best shows (non-reality) that has happened to network t.v. in along time.

This show rules!! So now we know that Kate was the (criminal?) that the fed. Marshall was escorting (but the islanders don't). There is atleast one Polar Bear on the island (I digress, but, the producers didn't see fit to show any of the animal as it attacked, and only showed a slightly realistic looking taxidermy type animal that was supposed to be a Polar Bear after it was shot and killed.

I love the acting, setting, movie-like cinematography and whatnot...But I can't help but notice they've really skimped on things like: No outside views and/or effects of the actual plane crash, only flash-back shots from the inside of the plane as the (what?) happened to it. And when the pilot was grabbed from the cockpit, we never actually see anything besides his body being jerked up and out of the plane, not even a glimpse of what pulled him out. Then there's also what I said about the polar bear above. All in all though, that's just nitpicking, I really love the show and will be an avid watcher until the network inevitably yanks it off the air before giving it a fair chance.

One question I still have (among many) though is: Walt supposedly has a labrador that was on the plane. Jack saw a lab when he first came to in the jungle right after the crash. Walt and (I think) his dad talk to Jack and Jack asks them about a lab and then states he saw one/him in the jungle. Are the powers that be that write the show assuming that "we" will just assume there is just one dog/lab on the island. I find it hard to believe a dog would come through a plane crash alive (48 humans as well), but assuming one could, would he be uninjured? I think Walt's dog died in the crash or is still alive but somewhere else on the island (if it is an island) and the yellow lab seen so far was already on the island and means much more than it appears.

Locke, the orange in mouth guy: He still is an unknown but after tonight he doesn't seem so menacing and an unknown, just weird.

Charlie: Definately has a drug problem (herion?) that explains a bit and I no longer think he is a sinister part of the show, just a druggie that was/is freaking out about his next fix.

Hurley: So glad to see the fat guy has still made it to the second part of the pilot. His character seems to be the humble everyman type person. I'd rather see Boone's sister (the stuck-up blond who whines, gives herself a pedicure and insists on being a part of the "trek" up the mountain) die or get eaten before Hurley does!

The Korean couple: What gives with these two?! He's domineering like all get out and she doesn't seem the subservient type at all. Instead she looks at him with digust and what seems like loathing and anger. They're on a freakin' deserted island, if she hates/detests/or something other, him that much, why is she continuing to "obey" him? She could just walk away and join the rest of the people. She also looks at the suchi he prepared like she'd rather eat cat-poop, not because he made it but rather, it seemed, because she wouldn't or couldn't eat it. They are deffinatly a strange pair...

Spoiler: The looped message in French: So they heard an obscure message by a woman, in french, that doesn't tell them anything except "It" killed them all. And Sayid "thinks" it add's up to 16 yrs. that it's been transmitting. That could be meant that it "has" been 16 yrs. or that just due to his possibly faulty math, it "might" be 16 yrs. I read on another site from someone in France that what (Shannon?) the blond bitch, translates isin't all that's said. There's also something said in the loop about "Go to the Black Rock". This person is and speaks french so I trust they can understand what's being said in the taped loop during the show. That being said, why would the producers have the actor in english only translate part of the message when the show is mainly a US program? That's assuming this french person knows what they're saying.

All in all, I'm hooked and can't wait for a weekly dose of "Lost". If anyone is curious, just do a Google search and you'll find quite a few sites already devoted to Lost, and a lot of spoilers also (so consider yourselves warned!).

'Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun, The frumious Bandersnatch!'--Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll

"You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Last edited by Bill O'Rights; 09-30-2004 at 08:51 AM..
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