Herbal thing -- works for me, anyway.
Go to the health food store or vitamin store and buy a bottle of ginkgo biloba caps. Don't get the cheap stuff, get something that looks reputable, 'cause there's no real regulation of the herb market and some of these companies use fillers.
Take about five good-sized caps. Ginkgo is credited with doing all sorts of amazing things, which it probably doesn't do, but one thing that it _does_ do is increase blood/oxygen flow to the brain temporarily. This doesn't make you smarter, but it does tend to keep you alert late into the night. I'm 48, and left to myself I'm too sleepy to concentrate on bookwork past 9 pm. But with gingkgo, I can keep concentrating for several hours more. The upside is, it's not really a stimulant, so it won't keep you awake when you decide to go to sleep. The downside is, you may forget you _need_ to go to sleep.