My $1.50
I second (or third or fourth) Radiohead.
Also try Sigur Ros, Bjork, Nine Inch Nails (warning on language there), Peter Gabriel (I like his later stuff more than his earlier stuff). Maybe try old Smashing Pumpkins, too.
If you want to take a risk, check out Peter Gabriel's Passion. It's all instrumental and was the soundtrack to The Last Temptation of Christ. Middle eastern/north african music meets prog rock. Great album, but may be a bit hard to take when you're 13.
You might also try the various Windham Hill people (George Winston, Michael Hedges -RIP- Alex De Grassi, Will Ackerman, etc.) They are often mislabeled as "New Age" but it's more of an American classical/folk. I went huge on them when I was just a little older than 13.
Some standbys - REM (80s era more than current era, IMO), Police, Beatles (duh), old Bowie.
Sort of a scattershot there, but do with it what you will.