1. Heed the reccomendations of the 9/11 commission. Unlike a certain president i know, i thought it was a good idea to figure out what the hell happened. Accurate, non-politicized intelligence is not an option. It is a matter of life and death.
2. Reserve warmaking as a last resort. Visible displays of power are effective in the short run, but may be long term liabilities. Restraint, not abolition, is the key word.
3. Invest in understanding Islamic culture. Firing queer Arabic interpreters, like an army i know, is an example of what not to do. Promote cultural exchange, and not isolation on either side. America is not, in fact, the great Satan. That we're called that indicates we've got the Mother of All PR Problems.
4. Secure ports of entry, and commercial shipping. It's hardly getting the money it needs, and remains a cheap way for Al Queda to threaten us. The economic effects of a successful attack on a major port city could be devistating.
5. Re-evaluate support of forgien governments. Make aid more conditional. It's not enough that we give Isreal new F-16s. They do need 'em. But Palestinan kids need homes and food, too. More carrot may translate in to less stick.
That's for starters.