Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
Sounds exactly like what Bush is doing. Using violence and fear against civilians in Iraq for his personal religious and political benefit.
Is he specifically targetting civilians? Is he blowing up buses and schools simply to create fear? Is Bush the terrorist for asking his military to attack a country which very well could prove to tip the balance in favour of the US in eliminating state terrorism? Is he the terrorist because in a war which required the occupation of the whole country, the military is unable to control it 100% or avoid tragic civilian losses? Is he the terrorist for the military having to deal with terrorists and insurgents shooting out of crowds of civilians, or having their bases in suburbs?
Sometimes I wonder what world of blind hatred people like yourself live in. If you believe Bush is an evil anti-Christ to your good values, then, by all means, vote against him. But do you have to bring it here?
Originally Posted by OpieCunningham
Lebell responded to Rdr4evr as to why he views Bush as not being a terrorist. He listed a number of items, all of which were attempts at justifying the Iraq war. I simply pointed out that all of those things he listed do not justify the Iraq war - so Lebell's arguments that Bush is not a terrorist were poor arguments.
Yes, the "nary a peep of war" was a good one, despite Saddam's repeated shots on planes patrolling no fly zones, or uncooperation with the terms of his defeat in '91. Or the mass graves - "so far" the claims have been unsubstantiated. Thanks for eliminating the point because we don't know the location of every single mass grave. Or how about the "flaunted by both sides" bit - yeah, that certainly relieves Iraq of any responsiblity.
On Topic:
I believe a terrorist is quantified mainly by his willingness to attack civilians directly, and use tortuous methods for creating fear (such as beheading videos). They also make use of civilians to protect themselves, as I mentioned earlier, by hiding in crowds and crowded suburbs. I believe that insurgents would be the ones who dislike the American military for invading their country, and wish to kill them, but do not attempt to attack innocent civilians or use deadly wide-affect car bombs in public places, etc.