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Old 09-29-2004, 10:45 AM   #2 (permalink)
I'm not leftist, but I'll take a crack at it.

1: Remove all US troops from foreign soil. Let the world change it's own diapers. This not only saves us money, is Constitutional, and saves American lives, it removes Osama & Co.'s "Land of Mohammad" excuse. Simultaneously, make it clear that attacking the US would be the -ultimate- bad idea. Put large bounties on the heads of Terrorist leaders and let the Free Market do the rest: I gaurantee you that Sandline and Executive Outcomes would be more than happy to lend us a hand.

2: Cease all foreign-aid payments, -starting- with the $15B/year we throw down that hole called Israel. Let them have their own economies and quit leeching off ours.

3: Get out of the weapons-sales buisness, -starting- with Israel. Aside from not throwing away money, it'll prevent them from selling any more of our designs to the Chinese.

4: Withdraw from the UN and kick them out of NYC. No more of our tax-dollars going to regimes that fund terrorists.

5: Put a big, strong leash on the CIA. Osama wouldn't be 1/2 the problem he is now if the CIA hadn't taught him his trade back in the 80's.

6: Enforce and respect the 2nd Amendment. The last thing some terrorist wants is to be shot before he has a chance to kill any Infidels.

7: Re-instate the Militia system in the Several States. See ( 6 ).

8: Energy independance: once again, let's quit indirectly funding these people. In the short term, quit selling Alaskan oil to the Japanese and allow limited drilling on the North Slope. Encourage the development of alternate-energy sources through tax breaks. Legalize the production of industrial hemp in order to extract Hemp Oil for conversion to Bio-diesel.

9: Decriminalize drugs. This would drive the price of such things down, depriving Terrorists of yet another source of income.

10: Ditch the Patriot Act, along with all "victimless crime" laws. This would allow law-enforcement to focus it's attentions and money on -real- criminals, like Terrorists, while protecting the unalienable Rights of Americans.

In other words, I propose a 3-pronged strategy.
1: Remove their excuses to operate against us.
2: Strangle them economically.
3: Make it very difficult to operate in the US, and utterly destroy all those who do.
The_Dunedan is offline  

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