Originally posted by Mr. Mojo
The dems are holding up the <b>Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals</b> nominees. They are letting other minor judges pass. Federal circuit courts of appeals is one below SCOTUS.
The democrats are changing the rules, I’ll have to look it up. But basically the nominee only has to have the majority of the senate vote (51) and he/she is confirmed. But the democrats are holding this process up. Estrada has over 51 votes, but the vote is still held up in filibuster.
I’m not up all the “law talking type guy” stuff.
So forgive if I am not clear- but golly law is hard!
The Constitution is clear: A majority is required to confirm judicial nominees. A minority of Senate Democrats is effectively changing the law... So the democrats are Unconstitutional?
What they are actually doing is not even a fillibuster by the rules -
They are attempting to hijack the government. If Republican leadership responds in the manner they should, and I believe this is coming soon, then I have a feeling that things are going to get really nasty in the Senate before this is finished. I can guarantee that the Democrats better hope they lose the presidential election because paybacks are gonna be hell for the next Democratic president.