The difference, to me, is that it is only in recent days that Kerry has finally decided on his positions. This race has been going on for how long? The examples of Bush's flip-flops noted in this article mostly occurred before this race even started to heat up.
Kerry's failure to have clearly laid out and cohesive positions soon after it was obvious that he was going to be "the" Democratic candidate is political stupidity. Most people can't answer the question "Where does Kerry stand on _____" because he has not effectively defined and communicated his positions. It takes a long time for stuff to sink into the public's heads and he did not make the most of the time he had available.
It's this lack of focus and clarity that makes the flip-flop charge effective. Additionally, like the first Bush Presidency when faced with the attack on the economy from Clinton, his campaign has been very slow in challenging the perception being pushed by his opponents.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.