Then I'm here to make you "unregret" it:
I once dated a German girl in London. We went out for a few dates during which time I began to have serious doubts as to the effectiveness of my deoderant. I could smell this really pungent whiff of BO every time I was with her. She was hot, so I thought it must just have been me getting nervous/excited.
Eventually, after a few meals, movies, walks along the river, etc, we got down to "the wild monkey dance," at which point the BO smell became overwhelming. I soon noticed why. As I removed her blouse, I noticed what looked like a rat trapped in each of her armpits, the hairs of which were splayed in every direction. Needless to say, she neither shaved her armpits nor wore deoderant. And she also never saw me after that night again.
Just think - that could've been you...