Tex - at least know that you aren't feeling anything that we all haven't gone through to some degree. It can feel like you are making all of the decisions for the rest of your life the first couple of years in school. Truth be told - few people end up making a career out of whatever their major in school is (exceptions being IT and Accounting mostly).
Med school is great - but unless you have an unusual passion for medicine, you can burn out quickly. Generally not the kind of thing that you jump into casually... Somebody told me early on that the purpose of college is to teach you how to effectively learn. I know it sounds a bit PC - but in the end I found that to be as true as anything else. I always enjoyed philosophy courses for that particular reason. Law school is good for that also - just know that only a fraction of those students end up actually practicing law for a living. But it is a great discipline in logic and debate - which makes you prepared for a whole lot out there.
"The best laid plans of mice and men" and all that - just concentrate on doing well today - tomorrow will take care of itself. Good luck!
Oft expectation fails...
and most oft there Where most it promises
- Shakespeare, W.