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Old 05-10-2003, 06:37 AM   #31 (permalink)
Liquor Dealer
Super Agitator
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Location: Just SW of Nowhere!!! In the good old US of A
Dude - you are talking about your home town in India! Right? If this drivel is supposed to reprsent Texas you must have found a time lapse to move into!

The Dude said:
"my teacher asked this girl in class about where she is going to college, and she responded "it doesnt really matter, since i'm going to be a housewife" - i can tell you that no girl child raised by a liberal parent would say this.

and a majority of girls in my town would say that men are superior to women just cuz they're men - absolute bull shit"
The fact that this stupid female realizes that she is stupid and was placed on earth to be nothing but a brood cow speaks for itself - liberal/conservative, religious/non-religious, or any other comparison you might choose to make would not alter that decision. As far as Texas women saying you're superior to them cause you've got a dick! Some Texas woman is probably gonna' bitch slap your 'superior' ass into the dirt.

Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!
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