I know I've posted some of these at TFP in years past but the links are long gone. Three years ago this month I bought my first airbrush and started practicing. We were heading to Fantasy Fest at the end of October and I was determined to paint. These are some of my favorite pictures from those first practice sessions.
Please speak up and post replies! Critique my artwork! I know I'm no artist but by golly I have the guts to give it a try and I do believe that persistence is a good substitute for talent. Give me some encouragement to post more!
This was my very first painting...
<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02122cs.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02124cs.jpg" border="0" />
A couple days later my neighbor from down the street popped by and offered to model. What could I say except "take off your shirt!".
<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02144cs.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02153cs.jpg" border="0" />
Experimenting with metalics and color blending and my first attempt at eyeball titties.
<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02142cs.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02163cs.jpg" border="0" />
There's a great story behind this picture. I painted the blue shirt and Lucy put on the little gold vest over it and we got in the car and went out to a bar for some beers. We walked in like nothing was odd and <span style="font-style: italic">NO ONE NOTICED!</span> Amazing... When we finally pointed it out to a few people the entire bar crowded around to check it out of course.
<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02177cs.jpg" border="0" />
Being the Apple fanboi that I am, this one was inevitable. Also, the first of many quickie tiger striped boobies.
<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02190cs.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02211cs.jpg" border="0" />
More attempts at duplicating real clothing.
<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02220cs.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02221cs.jpg" border="0" />
Here's another quickie tiger stripe - part of my search for something I can do when I've been drinking, plus my second attempt at eyeball tittles.
<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02242cs.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02246cs.jpg" border="0" />
Continuing to practice stuff that I would eventually do while we were at Fantasy Fest, the yellow thing. Also, the palm trees were the only body painting I ever tried to do with an old-fashioned brush.
<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02263cs.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02269cs.jpg" border="0" />
Here are my first couple efforts at cats. I like cats.

<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02278cs.jpg" border="0" /><img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02286cs.jpg" border="0" />
And my first (and worst) try at "the tongue". I've done this a couple times since and it worked much better but that's another post.
<img src="http://oldweakandpathetic.com/tcrebel/tcr-new/DCP02298cs.jpg" border="0" />
For this post I'd like to thank my wonderful wife Lucy and our good friend Sally and our neighbor Michelle for sitting for me. I have hundreds more with lots of different models and will post them if I hear anything besides crickets chirping in here!