Man this kind of argument will never end. I never said you are wrong about Jesus reffering to God as the Father. But he also said He and Him were one..God himself said it as well. Hypocrisy is the feigning(pretend) to be what one is not. What I listed in my first post and the examples of priests and preachers is hypocrisy..not what you are reffering to. Because see you cannot prove that any other religion is right either so it can't be a hypocrisy. So no you are not using the word correctly. You might be looking for the word contradiction or something of the sort. I'm not gonna argue with you anymore I've already said all I need to say whether or not my believes are true or not is yet to be seen. I have outlined the difference from what we actually believe and what you THINK we believe and I have faith that they, my beliefs, are true. I of course cannot prove they are true which is why this type of argument will never end. I could probably never prove that God exists. But in truth I don't think anyone could ever prove he doesn't exist. Cause scientists keep searching and searching for answers to how we work, how our bodies work, how we came into being, how certain things in the world work and they will probably never understand how everything works. They're whole lives revolve around answers and questions that need answers trying endlessly to prove that we really are alone out there. But some of these theories (thats all they are are theories because they can't prove them beyond a shadow of a doubt) are just as far fetched as an everliving always existing being out there who watches over all of us. I won't argue with you anymore there is no point. I can't change the way you believe and I'm not trying to either. I respect your beliefs you're entitled to them. I was only defending my own beliefs. If I keep arguing with you it'll never end...Halx might even close the thread I don't know. So thats it I've said my piece you can keep going but I promise I'm not.
"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project
It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys!  - Asta!!