" so Pilate executed him to pacify them and the mobs they controlled. "
I'll have to disagree again. While the temple authorities are likely accomplices to the execution of Jesus, i doubt the Pharisees had mobs in their control in Jerusalem. This was the Passover, and the romans had just about every legion in town just to maintain order. Pilate is later recalled to Rome for showing excessive cruelty.
Let that sink in. Pilate was too harsh for Roman standards. So. Think about the "reluctant" Pilate in the Gospels and ask yourself if it makes sense...or if it was the Gospel writers trying (with reasonable cause) to save their skins. The charge really says it all. Claiming leadership, kingship, basilea...outside of Ceasar, was likely to get a person killed. Look in Mark, about what Jesus says about the kingdom. Not that it isn't here on Earth...but that it is coming soon. How do you think that would sound in Roman ears?