"siezure" is a polite word for what we out here in the Real World call "Armed Robbery." Considering that "I come not to destory the Law, but to fulfill it" and part of that Law is "Thou shalt not Steal:" seems to me that Jesus' position is pretty clear.
Ezekial also warns against having Kings ( governments ) and gives a long list of the vile things Kings do: one of these is the confiscation of goods ( taxes ). This was God telling the Israelites why Kings were a bad thing: they steal your stuff! ( among other things )
As for the "Camel through a needle's eyes" this is believed by many to be a mistranslation referring to camels-hair yarn. Thick and course, it was difficult ( but not impossible ) to thread a needle with this stuff. Ergo, it is difficult ( but not impossible ) for the rich man to enter into Heaven. Consider Matthew, the Tax Collector, or Joseph of Aramathea ( 3rd richest man in the world at the time, after Caesar and one of his generals ): friends of Jesus who also happened to be very rich.