Originally Posted by docbungle
Sidenote---I remember reading something a while ago, I don't remember where, in which Roy Jones was talking about a friend of his that had died in the ring, after taking too much damage in a fight. He gave the impression that this had affected him deeply, and changed the way he felt about fighting. He said he never wanted to hurt anyone like that. He said that had a lot to do with why he used the style that he did, boxing circles around people instead of trying to knock them out. I wish I could remember where I saw this. Anyway, I thought it was interesting...
Well it seems Mr. Jones doesn't understand the nature of brain damage because his plan has no guarantee of doing less damage. Sure a knockout is instantly concussive, but an accumulation of "soft" punches can be just as damaging in the long term. Just as an anecdotal survey of deaths or severe impairment, I can't think of many that were the result of early KOs as opposed to drawn out wars.
Personally, I think knockdowns should be done away with. Sports-wise not only does it allow the loser to recover, but it also allows an already hurt individual to be punished even more. Some may say this is the nature of boxing with Rocky comebacks and all, but it doesn't make much sense to me.