i'm a christian who doesn't really enjoy the bulk of christian music... but i've got to call BS on a lot of the reasons some posters are giving.
you don't listen to christian music because of hypocrisy? can you think of anything more hypcritical and fake than the secular music industry? i can't speak for any single person on here, but most of the music you hear on the radio is probably more manufactured and disengenuous. christian music may be hypocritical at times... but the secular industry has got nothing on it in that department.
another classical reason is lyrical content. it's amazing how people can reject a song about Christ but have no problem listening to lyrics glorifying drug abuse, rape, murder, etc.
i think the most sincere argument against christian music is that most of it just plain sucks.

There are some bright spots though. Third day, Newsboys, Jars of Clay and a few others could compete with most of the secular bands out there on a level playing field. DC Talk is kinda funny a lot of the time especially their old stuff. They got better towards the end, but it was truly a hilarious beginning. For those not used to listening to christian music within a christian community... trust me, a lot of people just listen to it for smiles and its campy sort of style.
Anyone remember that DC Talk album "Free at Last"? LOL, good times.