At a crossroad...trying to figure out what to do with my life...
Coming out of high school, I hadn't figured out what I wanted to do with my life. I was a pretty solid athlete (baseball) but my aspirations of becoming a professional athlete had gone away. It's a tough pill to swallow when you realize the one thing you truly loved growing up as a kid is not going to be an option. (career wise) Sometimes I wish I had been born with no skill for the game at all...I think that would've been on easier on me as I would've never had hopes of reaching the majors. Anyway...
Here I am, 2nd year of junior college. I can't for the life of me figure out what I want to do with my life. I DO know that I want to transfer to a major university somewhere, but aside from that...I'm lost. The problem is that there alot of things I like to do, but none that I have a real PASSION for. My passion growing up was baseball. I really didn't think there was a need for anything else.
Nowadays, the only thing that comes close to that passion is my love for humanitarism. I care ALOT about other people. I care about their suffering and about helping other people with their problems. I've also become very interested in politics and in philosophy. These three subjects intertwine and cross-over on a few a different levels so that has helped me shape my philosophical, political, ethical and religious views.
Now, the hard part. The time has come for me to pick a major and stick to it. I need to figure out what career path I'm going to go down. I've been brainstorming for the past few weeks and have come up with a few ideas...
1)Major in Philosophy for my undergrad work...then head off to Law school.
2)Go Pre-Med
3)Sports Journalism and/or Sports Management
I really don't want to make money the bottom line in my decision making process. My parents know they weren't able to give me all the materialistic things I wanted, but in the end, I know it doesn't matter because whenever I needed them, they were there for me. For that I thank them and I believe their reward comes in knowing they raised a good son.
In the end, I just want to make the right decision. I want to look back and feel fulfilled and not full of regrets. To be honest, I don't know what I'm expecting as far as replies go. I just felt like I needed to get this off my chest and needed to put it out somewhere where people would understand what I was going through.
"All I know is that I know nothing..."