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Old 09-27-2004, 08:31 PM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by Stompy
(the following is my opinion, no offense meant to anyone)

I listen to it if I want a good laugh, kinda like how I'll bust out with a Milli Vanilli/Vanilla Ice/MC Hammer mp3 every now and then. DC Talk is hilarious, but the thing that REALLY makes it funny is that they are SERIOUS.

Hearing songs about "being saved" or "praising the lord" doesn't really hold any interest to me at all, and I can see why most others don't like it either. The songs just aren't very interesting and the lyrics are often sappy/lame. Creed and Evanescence are two very popular Christian bands... and there isn't a single song that isn't cheesy.

I wanna hear songs about important real life issues that affect EVERYONE, like drug use, hypocrisy in society, oppression, etc, not things like, "I used to be bad, but then I found Jesus and I'm happy. You should find him too or you'll be miserable."

Pretty much the same reason I don't listen to gospel, jewish, buddhist, islamic music.

Again, you're generalizing about Christian music. The same band that you think is hilarious, has songs about real life issues. Obviously you haven't heard "What have we become" by DC Talk. Michael Taits solo album, he was one of the singers of DC Talk, has quite a few songs that talk about racism, death, your father walking out of your life.

To me it's no more ridiculous than hearing some rap song about how some playa has hit all these HO's, or some Country guy that lost his love to his best friend so he's getting in his pickup and going to the bar, or some metal song that sings about tearing you to shreds and eating your insides. It's all hypocrisy!
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